Where do I even begin?
So much has changed in the past three months and I have been struggling to take it all in. With that being said Life of Lex is back and better than ever! Going forward I will use this blog to share my experiences living + working in the concrete jungle to not only create some sense of enjoyment for whatever readers I may have, but to also capture all of these irreplaceable memories I have been making. I'll start things off with a little life update.
First things first, I have a JOB! A week after graduation I started my job at Hunter PR as an Account Coordinator. I have truly lucked out with this being my first job as I continue to learn more than I could ever imagine. It feels so good to start this whole adulting thing and learn how to truly live on my own (although I already miss the days of staying in bed until 11AM). Be sure to catch a more in depth post about my job in the next few weeks!
I moved into the most amazing apartment in NYC, which has always been a dream of mine! I live in a cute two bedroom apartment with the best roomie I know from college/high school in the Financial District. I have an incredible rooftop, a gym and a lobby ceiling that looks like it was imported straight from Europe (I say this but I have yet to go to Europe). My living situation has made my huge transition into adulthood so much easier and I could not feel more lucky.
My life has changed drastically and it can be so scary at times. Can't wait to continue sharing my experiences more frequently - whether it be for entertainment or to give people something to relate to! From lifestyle to health to working in the city, I will be sharing it all here.
